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The Renewed Covenant

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Arthur Bailey has been a pastor/teacher in five different denominations during his ministerial career, which has given him unique insight into the human condition and punctuated the need for the ever-withering Gentile church to re-graft-in to their Hebrew roots. In this video presentation, which was recorded at the A Rood Awakening! Hanukkah 2009 extravaganza, Arthur takes the audience on a perceptive, sometimes hilarious, and always instructive journey through his ministry as he tells of the life-changing adventure of discovering and tapping back into the roots of the faith that he has preached with boldness for over three decades. This is the video that has been excitedly anticipated by the attendees of the event…

Arthur's mission is to equip the saints for the work of ministry and teach them how to live an obedient, spirit-filled life of discipleship and service. He is the lead teacher of House of Israel in Charlotte, North Carolina where he resides with his wife Marvina and their eight children. Arthur's extensive background in denominational ministries, his formal training, and life experience provides a unique perspective and insight into the living Word as he journeys through the scriptures uncovering ancient biblical truths that will deepen, strengthen and enhance your spiritual walk with Yeshua the Messiah.

Be sure to also get the first three of Arthur's DVD's recorded at the Aviv Moon Studios to enjoy the life and teachings of a minister who has pastored more didactical denominations than most people have warmed the padded pews.